Send an Email


Emails could be utilised to send notifications to People or Companies about their Accounts and Subscriptions.

In this Help File you will learn more about the following:

Step 1. Add Email Provider

  • To learn more on how to set up an email provider, click here.

Step 2. Create a Once-Off Email

  • Navigate to Engage-Messages-Emails.

  • Select your message type.

    • Once-off: Once-off emails are individual messages sent to specific recipients for a particular purpose. Once-off emails are commonly used for newsletters, following up with a lead, sending a special offer to a customer, or responding to a specific inquiry.
    • Automations: Automated emails are pre-written messages that are automatically sent to recipients based on predefined triggers or conditions. These triggers could include actions taken by a contact (e.g., signing up for a newsletter), specific dates or events (e.g., birthdays or anniversaries), or changes in statuses). Automated emails are used to streamline communication and engage with contacts at key points in their journey.
    • Templates: Templates are pre-written emails with content based on financial document information, that can be customised. They help maintain consistency in branding and messaging across communications while saving time on content creation.

  • Click on Create.

Step 3. Complete the Email Details

    • Internal Name: Assign a name to your email item. This name will not be seen by your message audience.
    • Preferred Provider: Choose from a predefined list of email service providers previously set up in the "Add Email Provider" section.
    • Audience Type: Select either "People" or "Companies" from the drop-down menu. This selection is utilised for Replacement/Merge Tags; for more information on merge tags, click here.
    • Subject: Enter the subject line for your email, which will be visible to your recipients.

Step 4. Design your email

  • Customise and add design tools to the body of the email message.

It's crucial to include an unsubscribe link by using the Unsubscribe Merge Tag in your emails to ensure that members have the option to opt out of receiving further communications.

Click here to learn more about Merge Tags & Links.

Read more about Unsubscribe Types in the section below.

Step 5. Provide further information

  • Sending Domain: This is automatically set as the default domain alias for all outgoing emails.

For more information on sending domains, click here.

  • Reply Name: You can specify the name displayed as the sender for this email, visible to all recipients.
  • Reply Email: You have the option to add a reply email address where members can send their inquiries.
  • Enable Click Tracking: Check this box if you wish to enable click tracking.

For more details on click tracking, click here.

  • Scheduling: Set the date and time for the email to be sent out, or leave it blank to start immediately after saving.
  • Unsubscribe Pages: It's recommended to configure this to effectively manage user unsubscribes from emails. This provides insights into who unsubscribes and why.

For more information, follow this link: Unsubscribe Pages

  • Audience: This is where you specify the specific audience to whom the email will be sent.

To understand how the Query Builder operates, please refer to the Query Builder Administration section by following this link.

  • Save your Email as a draft or save and send it.

  • Once you sent your once-off email, the creator of this email will receive a success/failure email.

To learn more about a message notifications, click here.

You can generate and send message reports by indicating the totals days after a one-time message was sent, under Business Settings.

Receiving detailed reports, ensures you stay informed about your messages' performance days after they are sent. Refer to the help file for assistance in configuring your message reports.

Create an Automated Email

Step 1. Navigate to Engage-Messages-Emails.

  • Select the "Automations" tab.

  • Click on Create.

Step 2. Complete the Email Details

    • Internal Name: Assign a name to your email item. This name will not be seen by your message audience.
    • Preferred Provider: Choose from a predefined list of email service providers previously set up in the "Add Email Provider" section.
    • Audience Type: Select either "People" or "Companies" from the drop-down menu. This selection is utilised for Replacement/Merge Tags; for more information on merge tags, click here.
    • Subject: Enter the subject line for your email, which will be visible to your recipients

  • Step 3. Design your email

    • Customise and add design tools to the body of the email message.

It's crucial to include an unsubscribe link by using the Unsubscribe Merge Tag in your emails to ensure that members have the option to opt out of receiving further communications.

Read more about Unsubscribe Types in the section below.

  • Step 4. Provide further information

    • Sending Domain: This is automatically set as the default domain alias for all outgoing emails.

      For more information on sending domains, click here.

    • Reply Name: You can specify the name displayed as the sender for this email, visible to all recipients.
    • Reply Email: You have the option to add a reply email address where members can send their inquiries.
    • Enable Click Tracking: Check this box if you wish to enable click tracking.

      For more details on click tracking, click here.

    • Scheduling: Set the date and time for the email to be sent out, or leave it blank to start immediately after saving.
    • Unsubscribe Pages: It's recommended to configure this to effectively manage user unsubscribes from emails. This provides insights into who unsubscribes and why.
  • For more information, follow this link: Unsubscribe Pages

Step 5. Set Automations and scheduling.

  • Receive Once?: Emails will be sent out only once to users who meet the criteria established by the Audience (Query Builder). If this option is not selected, emails will continue to be sent to the same recipients.
  • Scheduled Sending: Emails will only be sent according to the specified Day and Time settings. You can choose to send emails any day, only on weekdays, or only on weekends. Additionally, you can set the frequency (how often) this email should be sent out, whether by minute, hour, day, month, or year.
  • Automation End: Specify the date and time for this email to expire or cease sending.

  • Audience: This is where you specify the specific audience to whom the email will be sent.

To understand how the Query Builder operates, please refer to the Query Builder Administration section by following this link.

  • Save your Email.

Configure email Templates

  • Email templates are predefined an added by default on the system.
  • It is used to send out e-mandates, sales orders, invoices, quotations, and credit notes.
  • You can also add an email template for general use or for the call centre feature.

Step 1. Navigate to Engage-Messages-Emails.

  • Select Templates as your message type.

Step 2. Edit Template

  • You can edit each template by clicking on the Edit button.

  • The email settings are the same as setting up a normal email but without the Audience.
  • Notice the category, you can select it from the drop-down menu.

  • Save when done editing.

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