Add Email Provider

Add Email Provider

  • Before you can send emails and newsletters to members, you need to configure your email provider.
  • Here is a list of Email providers to use; (,
  • Recommended provider is Sparkpost, click HERE to set up a Sparkpost Account (You will need to verify a sending domain and create API keys)
  • If you want to test real-time emails, conceder setting up a "MailTrap" email provider, click here (this is an email-sandbox platform where you test real recipient emails, but it will not go through to them, it gets trapped)

Step1. Add Email Provider

  • Navigate to Settings-Email.

  • Click on Create

  • Provide details for your Email provider

- Note: SwitchTransact does provide pre-populated providers, but you can also request to add your own email provider ( please email [email protected] to add your preferred provider.)

- Copy and Paste your email provider API Key below.

- Also provide the sending addresses where the emails will be sent from.

- Sending Domains: you can add as many sending domains as you like, to learn more click here: Sending Domains

- Tick "Is Active" to make it live.

  • Click on Save when finished.

Please Take Note: If you need to use AWS as your provider, make sure to set up your AWS Identity, click here to download the guide: AWS Identity Setup Guide

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