Schedule Message Reports

  • In this guide, we'll walk you through the feature aimed at providing you with more comprehensive and timely feedback on your sent messages. Whether you're utilising Email, WhatsApp, or SMS for your communication needs, our objective is to keep you informed every step of the way.
  • You have the option to set your preferred frequency for receiving detailed reports on your sent messages. This feature allows you to stay updated on various metrics related to your messages' performance, ensuring you have valuable insights into your communication efforts.

Step 1. Open up Business Settings

  • Navigate to Settings> Business Settings> Message Report> Message Notifications

  • Select when you would like to receive your message report by selecting the total days after the message has been sent.

Please note that these reports are only for one-time messages.

To learn how to send a message, click on the following links:

Send an SMS

Send a WhatsApp

Send an Email

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