Email Tracking Events

What are Email Tracking and Viewing Events?

You can view the deliverable status of all emails sent out from the platform.

Step 1. View the Different Tracking mechanisms for Emails

  • Navigate to Engage-Outbound-Emails

  • View the Email Tracking in Columns

- Sent: Number of Emails sent out, but not yet reached the email recipient.

- Delivered: Number of emails delivered, these are all emails that sit in the recipient email box.

- Opened: Number of emails opened, it works the same way as a "Read Receipt"

- Clicked: If you have a "Web page link" inside your email, here you will see the number of recipients that clicked on that link.

- Failed: Number of emails that failed to be delivered to recipients.

- Unsubscribe: Inside all emails created, there should be an "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the page. This is the number of recipients that clicked on the "Unsubscribe" link.

Step 2. Viewing more tracking options in Emails

  • When you are in your list of Emails, click on the 3dot-menu bar under the Actions column and select "View Events"

  • You can now view a specific event on an email recipient.

Tip: Email Warming Strategy

  • If you haven't sent an Email or Newsletter out in over a month, and you want to send an Email again, chances are that your emails won't deliver to a specific users email address because the recipient email server might temporarily block it because it did not receive emails from your domain (Switchtransact Email Domain).
  • There is a Strategy to Follow called "Email Warming" or "IP Warm-up"
  • IP warming is the process of methodically adding email volume to a new IP address gradually over several days and weeks in order to establish a positive sending reputation with mailbox providers.
  • Please follow the link to read up on how to keep the Emails "warmed up" Email Warm-up Guide

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