Create an Approval for Accounts

What is an Approval?

Step 1. Create an Approval

  • Navigate to Contacts-People-Approvals.

  • Click on Create.

Step 2. Select your Approval Type

Option 1. Add new Product

  • Select this Approval type if you want to add a Product to an Account's existing Subscription.

When adding a Product to a Subscription, ensure that the recurring payment interval and payment method match those of the existing Subscription. If not, a new Subscription must be created.

Account Details

    • ID Number (Person Paying): ID number of the person paying for the product
    • ID Number (Sponsored Person - Optional): ID number of the sponsored person (e.g. spouse). Leave this field blank if the person is paying for themselves.


    • Product Name: Select from the drop-down which Product you would like to add to the Account.
    • Amount in Rands: If a fixed price was set for a Product during the Product creation process, you won't have the ability to modify it here.

Click here to learn how to Add a Product.


    • Branch: Select a Branch from the drop-down if you wish to allocate this Approval request to a Branch.

Click here to learn how to Add a Branch.

    • Project: Select a Project from the drop-down if you wish to allocate this Approval request to a Project.

Click here to learn how to Add a Project.

    • Agent: Select an Agent from the drop-down if you wish to allocate this Approval request to an Agent.

Click here to learn how to Add an Agent.

  • Click on Save, to Submit your Approvals request.

Option 2. Add new Subscription

  • Select this Approval type if you want to add a new Subscription to an Account.

Please note: When adding a new Subscription, the bank account details required for a

Account Details

    • ID Number (Person Paying): ID number of the person paying for the product
    • ID Number (Sponsored Person - Optional): ID number of the sponsored person (e.g. spouse). Leave this field blank if the person is paying for themselves.


    • Start Date: If left blank, the system will automatically set the date to the next Billing Day specified.
    • End Date: Leave this field blank if an end date does not apply to this Subscription.
    • Billing Day: This field must be completed; it signifies the day when the payment will be processed for this Subscription.
    • Payment Method: Indicate the preferred payment method for this Subscription. The primary payment method is SwitchTransact's "DebitSwitch," which operates as a debit order payment method.

Choosing DebitSwitch as the Payment Method will prompt the appearance of another section called "Bank Details". The Bank Details entered here must align with those on the Account's profile. In the event of a mismatch, the bank details must be updated by choosing the "Update Person" Approval type.

Click here to learn how to Add a Bank Account or how to Add a Payment Method.


    • Product Name: Select from the drop-down which Product you would like to add to the Account.
    • Amount in Rands: If a fixed price was set for a Product during the Product creation process, you won't have the ability to modify it here.

Click here to learn how to Add a Product.


    • Branch: Select a Branch from the drop-down if you wish to allocate this Approval request to a Branch.

Click here to learn how to Add a Branch.

    • Project: Select a Project from the drop-down if you wish to allocate this Approval request to a Project.

Click here to learn how to Add a Project.

    • Agent: Select an Agent from the drop-down if you wish to allocate this Approval request to an Agent.

Click here to learn how to Add an Agent.

  • Click on Save, to Submit your Approvals request.

Option 3. New Person

  • Select "New Person" as the Approval Type.

  • This option will create a new Account record.

  • Fill in the required details for the new Account marked with a *.

  • Click Save to create the Approval request.

Option 4. Update Billing Day

  • Select "Update Billing Day" as the Approval Type.


    • People: Select the Account requiring an update to their Billing Day.
    • Subscription: Choose the relevant Subscription from the drop-down menu for adjustment.
    • New Billing Day: Enter the desired new billing day.
    • New Subscription Start Date: If an Account's Subscription was previously canceled or paused and a different start date is preferred, specify it here. If you leave this field black, the Subscription's new Start Date will be on the next Billing Day.
    • New Subscription End Date: Indicate and End Date of the Subscription if applicable.
    • New Status: Update the Account's status to Reactivate the Subscription if the Subscription was Disabled.

  • Click "Save" to submit the Approval request.

Option 5. Update Person

  • Select "Update Person" as the Approval Type.

  • This option only updates an existing Account. Take note of the required fields, because it will identify the person by the ID number already in the system 

  • Click "Save" to submit the Approval request.

Step 3. Approval Process

  • Once the Agent has submitted the Approval request, it is the Administrator's responsibility to verify the captured details.
  • Upon Approval by the Administrator, the system automatically creates or updates the account record.
  • An Administrator can Approve or Decline the Approval record by simply navigating to the far right-hand side of the record, click on the Action bar, and select the desired approval status.


Step 2.

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