Agent Administration

What is an Agent?

  • An agent is primarily used as an assistant working in a call centre, managing all calls and creating/updating the member information and sending it through to SwitchTransact to be made active.
  • Agent Companies are the company the agent works for, usually a call centre name...

Step1. Create a Company (The Agent works for..)

  • Navigate to Settings-Marketing-Companies

  • Click on the Create button

  • Provide Agent Company details

  • After you provide details for the Company, click on Save

Step2. Create an Agent (as an Individual)

  • Navigate to Settings-Marketing-Agents

  • Click on Create

  • Provide details for your Agent

- Company: This is a Company the Agent works for. (previous steps).

- Get Commission: Check to indicate if Agents get a commission.

- Is Active: Check to make Agent live.

After you finished with the details, click on Save

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