Add a Bank Account

Bank Accounts

  • Before any Subscription can be set up, you need to add an Active Bank Account.
  • When adding Bank Accounts, the account number will be verified by a CDV check (Check Digit Verification).
  • All South African Banks are supported by SwitchTransact.
  • Accepted Bank Types: Cheque/Current, Savings and Transmission.

Step1. Add a Bank Account

  • Navigate to a People or Companies-Accounts.
  • Click to View an Account.

  • Scroll down to Bank Accounts Section and click on Add Bank Account.

  • Provide your Banking Account details and click on Add account.

Please note that the system will not allow an Active Bank Account that is connected to an Active Subscription te be deactivated or deleted.

Additional notes:

Disabled Bank Account is linked to an Active Subscription:

  • In the case where a Disabled Bank Account is linked to an Active Subscription due to an Automation that accidentally caused this scenario, or an import error, the system will not stop the Subscription unless the Subscriptions status is also changed to another status other than Active.
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