Add an Invoice

Setup Invoicing

  • In this section, there are two ways to do invoicing, Automatic Invoicing when a Subscription takes place and Manual Invoice setup.
  • You can send invoices via email.
  • You can also download your invoices.

Before you set up Invoicing you need to specify your Business Information first, click here

Step1. Create an Invoice

  • Navigate to Finance-Invoices

  • Click on Create Invoice

  • Select a client type, either an Account or a Company

  • Select an Account and type in the search bar to who this Invoice should be made out.

  • Provide details for your Invoice.

 - You can enter any Invoice number or leave it blank to generate a number automatically.

  • Provide the product detail in the description and add the amount and quantities

- The Product can be selected if you start typing it out, a drop-down with the relevant Product will appear underneath the description lines

 - You can also add extra line items to add more products, just click on the Green Plus sign on the right.

  • You can also add a setting that is for yourself or for someone else.

 - Click on the "Gear" button on the far right of the product description entry and select from the drop-down who you want to pay for.

  • Select if this Invoice is Outstanding or Paid

 - You can also add a message and footer note to this invoice as well.

Step2 Send and Download Invoices

  • Under the Action menu on the far right of an Invoice, you can Download the Invoice in PDF.
  • You can Also Send the Invoice via email to the person you selected in the Invoice.

Step3 Setup to automatically send an Invoice when a Subscription Transaction is successful.

  • Navigate to a profile, view the account and scroll down to Subscriptions.

  • Click on the Yellow Edit button on the subscription

  • Configure the Document section of the subscription.

 - Select Invoice from the Type.

- Select the Invoice Email Template ( Please note, if you haven't set up Invoice Templates yet, click on this link, Configure Invoice Email Templates)

  • Click on save
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