Business Information

Provide your Business Information

  • You need to provide your business information in this section, the purpose for this is all this information pulls through on all invoices, quotes, credit notes and sales orders.
  • If you need more information on setting up Invoicing, click here

Step1. Provide your Business Information

  • Navigate to Settings-My Business

  • Provide all your Company information below.

  • Provide further settings for your Account.

 - Add a Logo of your company that will appear on all Invoices.

- Enable Journaling (article regarding Journal Entries will be available soon)

- Client Information, here you can set the format of your member reference numbers, click here to configure it.

- Reports, provide a password when generating a report, click here to generate a report.

- Recon Settings, (article on Recons will be available soon).

  • Here you can change the names of your Invoice, Credit Notes, Quotation and Sales Orders, you can leave on default as well.

  • Add some branding, and upload a company logo, to appear on all your financial documentation.

  • Configure Automatic email sending of Invoices when Subscriptions go of.
  • Click on Update to finish.
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