Generate Member Numbers Automatically

You can now configure "automatic member numbers"

  • Upon the creation of a new People or Company Account, a unique member number is now automatically generated based on your specified business settings.

    Follow these steps to configure your automatic member numbers:

To learn more about editing a member number, click here.

Step 1: Set Parameters

  • Navigate to Settings > My Business, to access the configuration options.

  1. Set Member Number Format

  • Customize the format of your member numbers according to your preferences. For example:

  • In this example, I have set my member number format to {counter:13}-{MM}-{chars:4}
    • {counter:13} = This format means that my member number will start with 13 digits, where 20 (counter start) is the first number to be used for a member.
    • {MM} = add the month number you are in.
    • {chars:4} = generate random 4 digit characters

  1. Set Counter Start

  • Define the starting point of your member numbers by adding a "counter start." This counter is the initial number from which your member numbers will commence.
  • It's important to note that these settings will apply exclusively to newly created accounts.

Step 2: Viewing Auto-generated Member Numbers

  • Once configured, you can view the People/Company Account member numbers that are automatically generated based on your specified parameters.

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