How to set up a Sequence Automation

Step 1: Access the Sequence Creation Page

  • Navigate to Automations > Sequences.
  • Click on the Create button.

Step 2: Enter Record Details

  1. Name: Enter a descriptive name for your automation. This is a required field.
  2. Description: Provide a brief description of what the automation will do.
  3. Status: Select "Created" from the drop-down menu to save it as draft.

Statuses explained


    • Description: The sequence has been created as a draft.
    • Usage: Use this status when you want to save the sequence as a draft.


    • Description: The sequence is inactive and will not run any tasks.
    • Usage: Use this status to temporarily or permanently stop the sequence from running. It can be reactivated later if needed.


    • Description: The sequence is temporarily halted until you want change the status again.
    • Usage: Use this status when you need to temporarily stop the sequence without losing the current configuration. This is useful for maintenance or adjustments.


    • Description: The automation is active and executing tasks.
    • Usage: It is the status used when the sequence is live and processing records.


    • Description: The automation has finished running all tasks and is no longer active.
    • Usage: This status indicates the end of the sequence's lifecycle.

  1. Scheduling
    • Sequence Start: Select the start date for the sequence. Leave blank to start if you want the sequence to start running immediately when the status is set to 'Running'.

  1. Automation Settings
    • Ongoing Automation?: Check this box to keep the automation running that matches the rules.
    • Process Once?: Check this option to ensure each record that matches the rules will only be processed once.
    • Every: Enter the interval number.
    • Interval: Select the time unit (e.g., Day, Week, Month).
    • Sequence End: Select the end date for the sequence if needed. Leave blank to never end.

Step 3: Define Your Audience

  • The Query Builder is a powerful tool that enables you to create precise audience criteria. You can filter your audience based on various details, ensuring your automated sequences target only the desired records.

Select Filters:

Apply filters to narrow down your audience using these components:

    • Approvals: Select your audience based on recent activities done through approvals.
    • Bank Accounts: Bank account information or activity.
    • Calls: Include members who have made or received a certain number of calls or certain call types.
    • Cards: Target an audience based on their card usage or details.
    • Documents: Filter by documents uploaded, shared, or signed by the members or document dates.
    • eMandates: Select members who have active or expired eMandates.
    • Finance Documents: Filter members based on specific finance documents they have interacted with.
    • Lists: Use existing lists to include in your audience.
    • Messages: Target an audience based on the messages they have sent or received.
    • Subscriptions: Include members with specific subscription details.
    • Transactions: Filter based on transaction history and details.

Once you have selected the appropriate filters, apply them to generate your audience list.

Step 4: Choose your Action

  • Assign Owner(s): Within this action you'll be able to assign records to a specific owner or visibility group. Visibility groups are sets of users who have access to specific records. These groups can be predefined by administrators under Access Settings. An Owner, is a team member who holds responsibility for specific records. This ownership grants them authority over the management related to those records.
  • Email: The Email action is used to notify someone instantly when a new record meets the criteria set in an automation.
  • Lists: Automatically add or remove records from specific lists based on the set rules.
  • Properties:
  • Scores: This action involves assigning a score to each lead based on various criteria, which may include their interactions, demographic information, and behavioural patterns.
  • Tags: Automatically add or remove tags from specific records based on the set rules. Tags are typically used to label or categorise leads or accounts for easier filtering and organisation.

Click here to learn how to create message automations.

Step 5: Save

  • Review all the criteria and actions you have set.
  • Click on the Save button to save your sequence configuration.

By following these steps, you can effectively create an automation, ensuring better management and prioritisation of your leads and accounts.

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