How to add records to a list through an automation

  • You can add specific query builder results to a list and set it to update it either by Minute, Hour, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
  • Add and Remove certain People/Companies from Lists

Step1. Add a List

Step2. Create an Automated Sequence to Add People to a List 

Here we are going to add people to a list that matches certain criteria.

  • Navigate to Automation-Sequences

  • Click on Create

  • Provide Details for your Sequence

- "Status", you can set the following statuses for your sequence:

  • Select the Date and Time for the sequence to Start

- Leave the Date/Time blank if you want to start immediately when the status is on "Running"

  • Set the Automation parameters for the List to be updated 

- "Is Ongoing", check to keep automation running that matches the rules

- "Is Process Once". check for each record that matches the rules to only process once

- "Every", set the interval for recurring

- "Interval", select the interval type as either:

- "Sequence end', select the date/time for the sequence to expire or stop. (Take note: leave blank for the sequence to never stop)

Step3. Build a specific Audience with Query Builder

For this, I will use an example: I want to add all People whose payments will get "Disputed"

  • Click on the Query Builder

  • Configure the Query Builder to Filter only the Disputed Accounts:

- Add a Role that quels to "Accounts" and add another rule where "Is_Active" equals to "Yes"

- Select "Filter By" and choose "Transactions" (By this we want to know which Transactions were disputed)

- Select "Is Disputed" equal to "Yes"

- And click on "Apply Filters" to set the audience.

Step4. Set the Action to update to a List 

  • In the Action section, click on the Type dropdown and select "List"

  • Select the List that you created for all Disputes on People Accounts called "Disputed - People" and select the "Add Users to List" action.

Click on Save for Automation to begin.

Take Note: You can create the exact same Automation to Remove People from a List.

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