Create a Marketing List

Step 1. Create a List

  • (As a new client) Navigate to Get Started-Create a marketing list #2 and click on Create a list.


  • Navigate to Contacts-Accounts-Lists-All and click Create a list.


  • (As a existing client) Navigate to Contacts-Lists-All and click on Create.

Step 2. Provide details of your List

Please note that all mandatory fields are marked with a *.

The fields are defined as follows:

- Audience Type: Choose between People or Companies.

- Name: You can name your list anything you want.

- Update Type: Choose between Static or Active.

Active lists automatically update with accounts/leads whenever they meet the criteria. It may take up to 8 minutes to update an Active List.

Static lists are a snapshot of a group of contacts who meet a certain set of requirements when the list was created and saved. Manual updates are required to add or remove people from the list.

- Active: By marking the list as active, the list becomes accessible for use, allowing you to connect people or companies to it.

Conversely, leaving the box unchecked will hide the list, preventing you from adding people to it or selecting it from your query builder.

- Make Favourite: By checking the box you will add the list to your Favourites in the left navigation, for quick access.

- Enable API Access: This option allows assigned agents to access records via the API

  • After populating the fields, click on Save.

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