Merge Tags in Pages

You can now add Merge Tags in your "Pages"

Add merge tags to any Pages you create to personalize specific information regarding a customer or member. (You can do this for both People and Companies)

When you want to send email newsletters to your customers/members you can add a link to direct them to this page, when members open this link the merge tags will pull through only the specific member you emailed, personal information through.

Step1. Create your Page

You can click on this link "Setup a Page" to take you to the creation of a "Page".

Step2. Add your merge tags

  • Navigate to your newly created Page, and select Engage-Pages.

I have created a simple text page with a background, the merge tags used, basically describes the personal information and subscription details.

Merge Tags Used: (these are only basic tags)

 - {{}}

 - {{people.date_birth}}

 - {{}}

 - {{subscriptions.date_start}}

 - {{subscriptions.billing_day}}

 - {{subscriptions.total_active_products}}

1. My example of this page is as follows (you can however customize it as you wish).

2. Here are the steps to insert the merge tags: I want to add the name of the person who will open up this page from a link in an email.

 - Select merge tags and chose any category from the dropdown menu to personalize your page.

Step3. Create an Email with a link to the page you created above.

in this step, you need to add a link that directs to the page you created earlier above, with this link you need to pass through the "public_id" of the People or Company accounts to pull through that specific user information on that page.

  • You can click on this link Create an Email Newsletter
  • The next step will show you how to add the link with the "public_id" in the page site address parameter.
  • Create the link inside your email newsletter so that if someone clicks on it, it will open the "Page" you created above.

1. You need to copy the page URL(website name) from the "Page" settings.

  •  Navigate to Engage-Pages.

2. Add the page link to your email newsletter, Navigate to Engage-Emails, and open the email that you created earlier. (I have a basic email with an image and some text)

  • Add the same text in the body of the newsletter where you want the link to be, in my example above I will add the link next to the text: just type any link name, in my example, I will use "Your Information" and highlight it, click on the "Hyperlink" tag and insert the site name{{people.public_id}} next to URL.

  • You will notice that the example link name above "Your Information" has turned into a link and the test is now underlined and the colour blue.

You can now finish building and customizing your newsletter, when you are finished, you can send out the email. Once your clients or members click on the link you added inside the email, the "?people={{people.public_id}}" string inside your page name will pull through the account record information of the member and show them on the Page that you created. 

Here is an example of the page information once they have clicked on the link: (Now remember the "?people={{people.public_id}}" string pulled all the information of a specific member on the merge tags that was created in the page, in this example we used: {{}}{{people.date_birth}} and {{}}.

Also, take note: Once a member clicked on the link, the string "?people={{people.public_id}}" inside the main page site name will convert to the specific member(s) public_id account, here is an example:

Interesting Fact: You can get the specific member public_id from:

  • You can view the account record of the member, the Public ID will be in the detailed information list:

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