Setup a Page

What is a Page?

A Page is where you can custom build and create a "one-page" Information form that you can access via a domain or URL. (it acts the same as a Website)

  • We use these Pages to Sign-Up user information into the Platform as Leads.

Step1. Make sure you have a set domain.

  • Please click on the following link to create a new Domain: Create a Domain

Step2. Create a Page

  • Navigate to Engage-website-Pages

  • Click on Create

  • Provide Page Details

- Domain: you can select the domain you previously created

- Root Page: You can check this box to use your domain without a path, ex:

- Path: You can type in a Path name that will appear after your domain, ex:

- Personalized Page; this will enable you to add different "Merge Tags" inside your page.

- Audience Type: Select this option if the page is for People(Personal Use) or for Company use.

- Status: you put your page in, Draft, Disabled, Archived or Active mode

  • Style and Design your Page

- On the left side, you can Design your Page with different Drag-and-Drop Tools, you can then edit these tools for further styling

  • Add Tracking for your Page, for Analytics Purposes

  • You can do extra Styling to your Page

- Note: You need a Developer to style in CSS/JavaScripting to further give your Page a good look and feel. You can also just leave this part out, and use the Design you created with the Builder Tools.

  • After you finished with your Page, you can now click on Save
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