Merge Tags Guide

What are Merge Tags?

Merge Tags are placeholders that allow you to personalise emails by incorporating individual or company-specific information from recipient profiles. When emails containing merge tags are sent, they dynamically pull and display relevant details from the recipient's profile.

In this guide we will discuss the following:

Merge Tags Explained:

  • Merge tags are organised into distinct groups to facilitate the efficient retrieval and insertion of specific information.

The categorisation includes:


Merge tags within this category pertain to individual record details, such as their name and contact information. These tags personalise communication by addressing recipients directly.

  • Name: Inserts the recipient's name into the email. Commonly used in "Welcome" newsletters. (Note: Can also be used in the email subject line.)
  • Member Number Includes the account's membership number.
  • Email: Inserts the recipient's email address.


These tags enable personalised communication regarding subscription specifics and facilitate effective management of subscription-based services. This includes details concerning subscription plans, payment methods, and frequency.

  • Payment Method: Reveals the payment method used by the recipient for subscriptions (e.g., Debit Order, Card payment).
  • Interval: Indicates the payment frequency for the subscription product (e.g., Once-off, Monthly, Annual).
  • Total Active Products Amount: Shows the total amount of active products assigned to the recipient.


This category comprises merge tags related to corporate recipients or entities. Information such as company name and contact person falls under this group, enabling personalised engagement with organisational recipients.

  • Name: Inserts the company's name.
  • Contact Name Includes the name of the contact person responsible for the company.


  • Merge tags categorized under Mandates encompass details associated with specific instructions or directives related to subscriptions or account management. These tags facilitate communication regarding mandates, ensuring clarity and compliance.


  • Messages category includes merge tags pertinent to communication elements within emails. You can insert a merge tag for recipients to open a message in their browser.


  • These tags enable personalised communication regarding subscription specifics and facilitate effective management of subscription-based services. This includes details concerning subscription plans, payment methods, and frequency.


  • These tags facilitate the inclusion of unsubscribe links, allowing recipients to manage their subscription preferences easily and ensuring compliance with email regulations.

VERY IMPORTANT: Ensure to include an Unsubscribe link using a merge tag in your email newsletter.

How to add a Merge Tag

Step 1. Navigate to the Emails

  • Open your preferred email where you would like to add a merge tag.

  • To personalise an email, begin by adding the recipient's name using the Name merge tag.

  • Incorporate additional merge tags into the email body to personalise your email even more.
  • Add an Unsubscribe merge tag to your email.

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