Add Subscriptions

What is a Subscription?

A Subscription refers to a recurring agreement or arrangement where an Account (People or Company) is set to pay a recurring fee to access a product or service over a specified period of time.

A Subscription is used to set scheduled payments for an Account, or generate financial document like invoices. These Subscriptions consist of a Payment Method and a Product assigned to them.

- You need a Payment Method already set up.

- You need a Bank Account already set up.

Step1. Add a subscription for an Account

  • Navigate to any Account Record, Contacts-People-Accounts.

  • Please take Note: when you scroll down to Subscriptions, there will be a notification stating that you need to add a Bank Account First, please click here to add a bank account: Add a Bank Account

  • Add a Subscription to the account.

- Click on the Add Subscription button.

  • Provide subscriber information.

- Client Type: either Account or Company.

- Account: is the member.

- Date Start/End: select the day start/end for this subscription, leave blank to start immediately.

- Billing Day: choose the day the transaction should go off.

- Payment Method: choose the payment method used.

- Bank Account: choose the bank account of this member.

- Status: Select the status to either the following: 

- Document: the selection on this is to send an Invoice after the transaction went off.

  • Click on Save to complete.
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