Import Records via CSV File

Easily upload your Accounts, Leads or Contact from a CSV file by following this step by step guide.

Please take note: you need a comma(,) delimited .csv file when you import using the CSV method.

To see step by step guides for more Import Methods, click here.

Import Leads or Contacts

  • You can download the template from this link: Import Template to import "Leads" or "Contacts".

Step 1. Navigate to Contacts

  • (As a new client) Navigate to Get Started-Add Accounts or Leads and click on Import Records.
  • OR

  • (As a existing client) Navigate to Contacts-Leads/Contacts and click on Import.


  • Navigate to Contacts-People-Leads/Contacts and click on Import.

  • Click on Import.

Step 2. Choose the Import option

  • Choose the Import option "CSV File".

Step 3. Provide your Import Details:

  • Type: Select the relevant role of your import.
  • Batch Name: You can name your import anything you want.
  • CSV File: Browse to search for your.CSV file you wish to import.

Step 4. Define how you want to handle your Import Errors:

  • Handling Import Errors: When importing contacts into your CRM, you have two error-handling options: "Skip column on error" and "Skip row on error". To learn more about these two options, follow this link.
  • Column to check for Duplicate Records: You can choose a primary column between "Cellphone Number", "Email Address" , "ID Number" or "Member Number". Duplicates will be filtered out based on your selection.
  • Handling Duplicate Records: Choose to skip or replace duplicate records from the drop-down.

Step 5. Manage your records

  • Choose if you want to add your Imported Records to a List or Tag.
  • You may add these records to multiple Lists or Tags at once.

  • Click on Import.

Step 6. Check columns and Submit

  • You can select the correct column for your information or you can "Ignore Column", from the column drop-down, indicated in yellow.
  • Click on Continue, to finalise your data preparation step.

Step 7. Review Data

  • Review the batch.

The data marked in red will not be imported.

In this step, you may Export your data, by clicking on the Export button to revise your error marked data.

  • When you click "Save & Submit", only the correct records will be imported. Please review all the records marked in red as these records will not be imported (unless the skip column on error option was selected in which case certain columns will be filtered out before submission).
  • The counter on this page will indicate how many records will be imported.

  • If you are happy to Import, click on Save & Submit.

  • If you wish to review your imported batch later, you may do so by navigating to Contacts-Imports-Manage when you are ready to do so.

Import Accounts

Step 1. Navigate to Accounts

  • (As a new client) Navigate to Get Started-Add Accounts and click on Import Records.


  • Navigate to Contacts-People-Accounts and select the Import option.


  • (As an existing client) Navigate to Contacts-People-Accounts

  • Click on Import.

Step 2. Choose Import Method

  • Choose Import Method "CSV File".

Step 3. Provide details and Upload your CSV sheet

Type: Select "Account" .

- Import Subscriptions: Tick the box "Check to import Subscriptions" (You can leave it blank if you don't want to add subscriptions to the member profile).

- Payment method: select the payment method these accounts are going to use (If you need to add a Payment Method first, please click here: Add a Payment Method).

- Batch Name: You can name your import anything you want.

- CSV File: Click on "Browse" to search for your.CSV file.

Step 4. Provide further details for the Import Settings

  • Import Settings:

When importing contacts into your CRM, you have two error-handling options: "Skip column on error" and "Skip row on error".

  1. Skip Column on Error: If you have an error within a column of data for a specific lead or contact, that column's data will be skipped, and the import process will continue for that contact. This is helpful when you want to salvage as much data as possible, even if some columns have errors. For example, if a contact's phone number is formatted incorrectly but their name and email are correct, using this option ensures that the valid data is still imported.
  2. Skip Row on Error: When you choose to "Skip row on error," the entire row of data for the contact will be skipped if any error is encountered, regardless of the number of columns affected. This option is useful when you want to maintain data accuracy and integrity, as it prevents incomplete or incorrect information from being imported. For instance, if a row contains both incorrect email and phone number formats, using this option will skip the entire row to prevent incomplete data from being added to the CRM.
  • Column to check for Duplicate Records:

You can choose a primary column between "Cellphone Number", "Email Address" , "ID Number" or "Member Number". Duplicates will be filtered out based on your selection.

  • Handling Duplicate Records:

Choose to skip or replace duplicate records from the drop-down.

Step 5. Manage your records

  • Choose if you want to add your Imported Records to a List.
  • You may add these records to multiple Lists at once.

- Add to Lists:

You can add these records to a List, to create a List click on this link: "Create a List".

  • Click on Import when done.

Step 6. Check columns and Submit

  • You can select the correct column for your information or you can "Ignore Column", from the column drop-down.

  • Click on Continue, after you have completed preparing your data.

Step 7. Review Data

  • You can now review your batch, if you are happy to Import, click on Save & Submit.

  • Also, a very Important Status to look out for is "Rejected", these are column with incorrect data, if you see this status you need to correct your data in a specific column, see an example below:

In this case the "Error Column" will show you the incorrect data from a "Product" column we tried to import, meaning the product code does not exist on the platform.

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