How to Tag and Manage your Tags

This guide will walk you through the simple steps to effectively tag People or Companies.

We will explore three different methods for Tagging your Contacts: Tagging Selected Contacts, using the Query Builder, and Managing Tags for a specific Contact.

Before you start tagging your contacts, ensure that the tags you wish to use have already been created. If you haven't created tags yet, follow this link to learn about How to Create Tags.

Method 1. Tag Selected Contacts

Tagging selected Contacts is a straightforward way to categorise multiple People or Companies at once. This method is useful when you want to assign the same tag to several contacts simultaneously or just one.

Step 1. Access Your Contacts

  • Navigate to Contacts-People/Companies

Step 2. Select Contacts

  • Manually select the People or Companies you wish to add a Tag to or Remove a Tag from.
  • Click on the button called Add/Remove Selected Tag.

Please note that the option to tag/untag the selected contacts will only show when you have started selecting your Contacts.

Step 2. Choose to add or remove Tags

  • Choose the appropriate action from the drop-down provided.

Step 3. Choose your Tag

  • Choose your appropriate tag from the drop-down provided.
  • Click on Add/Remove.
Add Remove

  • You have now successfully tagged the selected Contacts.

Method 2. Tag/Untag by using the Query Builder

The query builder is a more advanced method for tagging contacts based on specific criteria or conditions. This method is helpful when you want to tag contacts who meet certain criteria.

Step 1. Access Your Query Builder

  • Navigate to Contacts-People/Companies

  • Click on the Query Builder.

Step 2. Define Your Criteria

  • Set up the conditions that your contacts must meet to be tagged. For example, you can tag all contacts with a specific job title, location, or last interaction date.
  • To learn more about the Query Builder, please follow this link.

Step 3. Run the Query

  • Execute the query to generate a list of contacts that meet the specified criteria, by clicking on Search.

  • After Searching for Query, click on the X at the top right corner of the Query Builder to see your results.

Step 4. Tag/Untag the Results

  • After generating the list, click on the drop-down next to the Query Builder and select the option "Add Tag".

  • Choose the appropriate tag(s) and select "Add/Remove Tag(s)" to Submit.

  • You have now successfully tagged/untagged the Results of your Query.

Method 3. Manage Tags on a specific Contact

Sometimes, you may need to add or remove tags for a particular contact.

Here's how to manage tags for an individual contact:

Step 1. Locate the Contact

  • Navigate to Contacts-People/Companies
  • Use the search function to find the specific contact you want to tag.

Step 2. Manage Tags

  • Click on one of the Action button for more options and choose Manage Tags.

  • You may now remove or add your preferred tags.

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