Create a Tag

This guide will walk you through the simple steps to create tags efficiently and effectively, empowering you to tag People or Companies.

Create a Tag

Step 1. Create a Tag

  • Navigate to Contacts-Tags-All and click on Create.

Step 2. Provide details of your Tag

The fields are defined as follows:

- Tag Name: You can name your list anything you want. (Mandatory field to fill in)

- Active/Disabled: By marking the tag as active, the tag becomes accessible for use, allowing you to tag people or companies with it. Conversely, leaving the box unchecked will hide the tag, preventing you from adding people to it or selecting it from your query builder.

- Colour: You can choose any colour you want.

  • After populating the fields, click on Save.

Click on the following links to learn more about how to apply tags to People or Companies and how to manage your tags efficiently.

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