Send a Payment Link for an Invoice

Send a Payment Link for an Invoice.

  • You can send an email directly from an Invoice to your members where they can either click on a link to download the invoice or click on a link that will take you to a Payments page to make a payment.
  • This is ideal for Cash or EFT-paying members.
  • This function is also useful for outstanding invoices.

Step1. Navigate to your Invoices

  • Click on Finance-Invoices

Step2. Send and Download Invoices

  • In this example look for your "Outstanding Invoices"
  • Under the Action column, click on the 3-bar setting and select "Email Invoice"

  • Specify the settings for your email.

 - Here you need to select an Email Template, click here to create email templates. (Design your own email body to make it more professional).

 - Enter the email address to where you want to send this invoice message to.

  - Notice that the system automatically creates two Links, one for Downloading the invoice and the other one is a link where the member can make a payment.

The email will look like this: 

Step3. Open the Payment Link and make and pay the Invoice.

 - Click on the "Please pay Online Here...." and a payment page will open up.

 - Select the Payment method, in this case only Card payments will be used.

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