How to Send A WhatsApp Message

How to send a WhatsApp Message

  • Before you can send a WhatsApp message you need to set up a WhatsApp provider first, click on this link: "Setup Whatsapp Provider"

Step1. How to send a WhatsApp Message

  • Navigate to Engage-Whatsapp
  • Click on Create
  • Provide details for your Whatsapp

- Select the WhatsApp provider you created.

- Select the Audience Type "People or Company"

- At the "Whatsapp message" section, type out the message you want to send to members, (You can also add links inside this message)

- "Sending Mobile" select the WhatsApp number you created for your provider.

- "Status" when you are done with your WhatsApp message you can set it as "Running"

  • Schedule when you want to start sending this message
  • Click on the Query Builder to filter on your specific setting for members.
  • Click on Save to complete your message.

Step2. Track the message events

  • When you finished sending the message you can track its events, you can view the statistics from the message columns (Sent, Delivered, Opened, failed and Replied.)

  • You can also view the specific events, from the "Action" bar menu on the message.

  • You will see different events for the message that you sent.

- You can view the "Reply" message members replied on.

  • You can also check who clicked on the link that you sent in your message.

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