Adding Documents to a Contact Profile

In this help file, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to Add Documents to People or Companies, Manage Document Types, and stay on top of Document Expiration dates. Just follow the links below:

You can upload any kind of financial or company-related Documents to People or Company profiles, making them easily accessible for future reference and use.

Add a Document to People or Companies

Step 1. Navigate to an Account's Document section

  • Navigate to Contact-People/Companies-Accounts.

  • Click on the View Action of an individual Account.

  • Navigate to the Documents section and Select "Add Document"

Step 2. Provide Document Details

  • Give your Document a Name.
  • Please select what Type of Document it is you want to Upload.

There are a list of pre-populated Document Types, some of which will only be seen when choosing your document type here and cannot be edited under your Document Type Manager.

Click here to learn how to Manage Document Types.

  • Add a Document Expiry Date if applicable.
  • Browse for the Document and select "Add Document".

Step 3. View your list of Documents

  • Navigate back to the Account's Document section to view their list of Documents here.

Manage Document Types

Why Manage Document Types?

Managing Document Types allows you to categorise and organise your People and Companies' Documents effectively. You have pre-defined Document Types, and you can add your own, making it easier to classify and retrieve relevant Documents for your Accounts.

How to Manage your Document Types:

Step 1. Navigate to Settings-Contacts-Document Types

Step 2. Create a New Document Type:

  • Click on the "Create" button to add a new Document Type.

Step 3. Populate the Document Type fields:

  • Name: Enter the title of the new Document Type. Choose a name that clearly represents the category or purpose of the documents falling under this type.
  • Activate the Document Type: Check the "Active" box if you want to make this document type available for selection when adding a document to a contact. The "Active" status indicates that this document type is actively in use and can be chosen during the Document Adding process.
  • Save Your Changes: Once you have entered the document type name and selected the desired activity status, click on Save.

Other Document Type Status Actions:

  • Disabling Document Types:
    • If you decide to deactivate a document type in the future, you can do so by unchecking the "Active" box. Inactive Document Types will not appear as options when adding new documents to a contact, but the historical data associated with them will remain unchanged.
  • Editing Document Types:
    • To make changes to an existing Document Type, navigate to Settings-Contacts-Document Types, select the Document Type you wish to edit, make the necessary modifications, and save your changes.
  • Deleting Document Types:
    • If you want to remove a Document Type permanently, navigate to Settings-Contacts-Document Types and click on the delete button next to it. Be cautious when deleting Document Types, as they deleted Document Type will not be accessible in the Query Builder any longer.

Manage Expired Documents

  • Stay proactive in document management by understanding how to handle expired documents.
  • Explore the process of adding expiry dates, utilising the Query Builder to identify contacts with expired documents, and ensure that your records are always up-to-date.

Step 1. Navigate to the Query Builder

  • Navigate to ocntacts-People/Companies-Accounts
  • Click on the Query Builder.

Step 2. Search for Expired Documents

  • Select the Document Module.

  • Filter on Document Type and Expire Date to check which Accounts' Documents have Expired.

  • Click on Search and Manage the filtered Accounts' Expired Documents.

Click here to learn more about how to use your Query Builder.

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