Send an SMS

Send an SMS

  • First, you need to set up an SMS Provider, please click on this link: Setup an SMS Provider
  • In this guide we'll explain the different options in SMS (Once-Off, Automation and Templates).
  • You can also set up an OPT-OUT message for users to not receive SMS from the system anymore.

Step1. Create an SMS (Once-Off)

  • Navigate to Engage-Messages-SMS

  • Select the Once-Off Tab

  • Click on Create

  • Provide your SMS Information

- Name: give your SMS a name

- Preferred SMS Provider: You need to first set up an SMS Provider in "Settings", please click on the link for the Steps: Setup an SMS Provider

- Audience Type: Select between People or Company

- SMS Message: Type out the message that you want to send out. NOTE: You can add in links, Links will be shortened and redirected when click tracking is enabled, ensure all links are standard URLs (e.g.

- Status: Select if you want this template to be in, Draft, Completed, Disabled, Paused and Running- Reporting:

  • Provide further details

- Enable click tracking: select this box if you want to know if someone clicked on your link inside the message.

- Schedule: you can schedule when this message needs to start.

- Reporting: select between Branch and Project.

  • OPT-OUT Option

- Enable OPT-OUT: use this feature if you want to let your audience have the choice to stop receiving SMS's from your company.

- Choose any opt-out keywords, separated by a comma(,)

- Send opt-out message: when your audience replies with an opt-out keyword, they will receive a message (not mandatory).

  • Use the Query Builder to filter users you want to send an SMS to.

  • Click on Save

Step2. Send an SMS (Automation)

  • The Automation tab needs to be selected.

You can use the previous steps, the only option extra is you can set an "Automation" when you create your SMS.

  • Select the Templates tab.

SMS Templates are predefined for different categories that you can modify, but you can also create new templates if you wish.

- You can use these predefined templates in Invoices, Credit Notes, Sales orders, Quotations, eMandates and Call Centres.

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