Setup a Widget

How to create a Widget for your landing pages.

  • Widgets are features where you can create Logic/Code for a specific reason, and then you can use this code inside your Page.
  • Before you can use a widget, you need to create a widget template first
  • After you created the template you need to create the main widget to customize the settings
  • "Get Widget Code" to be used on any web page or landing page.

Step1. Create a Widget Template

  • Navigate to Engage-Websites-Widgets

  • Click on Templates

  • Click on Create

  • Provide details and name your template (Make sure to set status as "Active")

  • Design your Widget

- Click on the "Code" tab, you can now add HTML, CSS and JavaScript to design the output of your page, in the example below, this is a page where we can capture a lead into the system.

  • Click on the "Control" tab

- Here you specify "JSON" queries to be set up as a settings page.

  • Click on Save to complete the Template

Step2. Create the Main Widget

  • Navigate back to Engage-Websites-Widgets

  • Provide details and name your Widget

- In the section "Widget Template" select the template your created earlier.

  • The template will populate inside your main widget, you can now specify and modify changes to your Widget.

  • Click on Save to complete your Widget
  • Navigate back to your main Widget view

- Under the "Actions" column, click on the menu bar next to your widget, and select "Get Code"

  • You can now copy and paste this embedded code on your landing page. (Or you can copy this code into your own company website)

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