2024-08-29 Multiple Email Recipient Support in Automations


Previously, you could set an Automation to trigger an email when certain rules were met. However, when attempting to add multiple email recipients separated by a comma (",") OR (";") in the "Send To" field, no emails were sent, indicating the system's inability to handle multiple recipients. Additionally, a trailing delimiter ("," or ";") prevented the email from being triggered.


  • Enable support for multiple email recipients in the "Send To" field for receiving emails when an Automation is triggered, allowing recipients to be separated by either a comma (",") or a semicolon (";").
  • Ensure that trailing delimiters do not interfere with email sending.

Error Handling

    • Improved error handling to prevent issues when the "To" field is incorrectly formatted.
    • If multiple email recipients cannot be supported, a validation message will inform the user to correct the format.
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