2024-08-01 Dynamic Tax Label Customisation


The tax-related field labels on invoices and records are now dynamically displayed based on client preferences, distinguishing between VAT numbers and Tax Reference numbers. This ensures the correct terminology is used according to the client's needs.

Changes Implemented:

  1. Business Settings Update:
    • New Section Added: "Tax Invoice Settings" under Business Settings > Finance Documents.
    • Fields Introduced:
      • Default Tax Label for People: Users can now define a custom label for tax numbers related to individuals. Default set to "Tax reference number."
      • Default Tax Label for Companies: Users can set a custom label for tax numbers related to companies. Default set to "Tax reference number."

  1. Edit/Create New Records:
    • The interface now automatically displays the tax label according to the preference set in the Business Settings.
    • Placeholders and field labels are consistent with the user-defined labels.

      Affected Areas:

        • People Records
        • Companies Records
  2. Finance Documents:
    • The tax field label on invoices and any other finance documents dynamically updates based on the user's preference.
    • If no label is set during record creation, the field remains blank and only the label is displayed.
    • Affected Areas:
        • Quotes
        • Sales Orders
        • Invoices
        • Credit Notes
        • Receipts
  3. Query Builder:
    • The tax field label dynamically changes according to the client's settings.
  4. Reports:
    • All reports containing the tax field now reflect the dynamically updated label as per the settings in Business Settings > Finance Documents.

Additional Notes:

  • These changes aim to improve the accuracy and customisation of invoice documentation and related processes.
  • Users are encouraged to review their settings in the new "Tax Invoice Settings" section to ensure their preferences are correctly set.
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