2024-06-02 Simplified Message Provider Management

Manage Message Providers:

    • Updated functionality allows only one active message provider for each message type (Email, SMS, WhatsApp).
    • Removed the "Is Default" switch when creating or editing a record.
    • When a provider is marked as "Is Active," an alert message now appears:
    • WhatsApp Specifics:
      • You can still add more than one mobile number for WhatsApp under the active provider.

Provider Dropdown Removal:

    • Removed the "Preferred Provider" drop-down when creating or editing a message for Email, SMS, and WhatsApp.
    • Removed the "Sending Domain" field.
    • WhatsApp Specifics:
      • Retained the ability to select a number for WhatsApp messages.

Message Templates & Automation:

    • Applied the same changes to message templates and automation:
      • Removed the "Preferred Provider" dropdown.
      • Removed the "Sending Domain" field.

Changes for Current Users:

    • If users had more than one message provider, disable all except the one set to Default.


    • Simplified the message creation process by reducing the number of options and steps.
    • Ensured clarity for users when selecting message providers by allowing only one active provider.
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