2024-06-24 Dashboard Simplification


  1. Hide Dashboard Stats:
    1. Commented out the following stats on the dashboard and the logic to fetch these stats:

This is a temporary change to monitor client feedback. If there are no complaints, these stats will be removed permanently.

b. The stats have been relocated to a new section under Finance:

New Section:

  1. Update Accounts per Province:
    1. Removed the "Members per province" tab from the "Accounts per Province" chart.


  1. Reordered the charts under the Transactions tab as follows:
    • Successful transactions per month
    • Unpaid/Disputes per month
    • Collections By Region

  1. Hid the following charts:
    • Batches (Manual)
    • Batches (Automatic Approval First)

Clients needing to see batch information can view it under "batches all."

  1. Chart Relocation:
    • New Overview Page:
      • Moved the "Payment Days" and "Unpaid Reasons" tables to a new page under the "batches" section called "Overview."
      • Positioned the tables next to each other.
      • Moved the Day, Payment Method, and Currency controls to the top right, aligned with the heading, ensuring that changes affect both tables simultaneously.

Implementation Notes:

  • This update aims to streamline the dashboard and reduce database load.
  • The changes are designed to be temporary, allowing for client feedback before permanent removal.
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