2024-06-19 Added Scoring Criteria to Sequences

Lead scoring is used in customer relationship management (CRM) to evaluate the readiness of potential customers for sales engagement. This process involves assigning a score to each lead based on various criteria, which may include their interactions with your company, demographic information, and behaviour patterns.

As an example: you can give them +10 points if they clicked an email in the past 30 days or subtrack points if they did not open an email.

We applied scoring not only to Leads but to Accounts as well.

As an example: if an Account is not paid up, subtract -10 points, or if the amount that a client is paying is above R200 add +20 points. You can even add +10 points if a customer had no unpaid transactions in the past.

To learn more about scoring leading, click here .

Score Actions in Sequences:

  • We've added a new action type called "Scores" to Sequences.

  1. Score Criteria Period:
    • Criteria only consider events within the score expiry period (default: 90 days).
    • Half scores are given for events older than the score half-life period (default: 30 days).
  2. Score Half-Life Period:
    • Configurable half-life period for scores. After the specified period (default: 30 days), scores are halved.
  3. Score Expiry Period:
    • Configurable expiry period for scores. After the specified period (default: 90 days), scores are set to zero.
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