Add Team Members and Assign Roles & Permissions

Introduction to adding Team Member and Assigning Permissions

  • In this article we will explain how you can add team members to the platform by sending an email invitation to them.
  • User profile setup involves assigning specific roles or permissions to individuals based on their responsibilities and the level of access they require within the system.
  • Access control is essential for preserving the security and confidentiality of sensitive data. These controls guarantee that only authorised individuals can access particular information.
  • In this article, we'll guide you through the process of adding team members to the platform and delve into the intricacies of user profile setup, which entails assigning specific roles or permissions to individuals based on their responsibilities and required access levels within the system.

Explore each section in detail:

How to add a Team Member

Step 1. Navigate to Settings-Access-Teams

Step 2. Record Details

  • Click on Create.

  • Provide the email address of the person you want to add as a Team Member.

Step 3. Set Permissions

  • Select your Permission Type

  • Choose Role(s): This permission type allows users to select predefined roles from a list. These roles come with predefined sets of permissions and access levels tailored to specific job functions or responsibilities. Users can choose one or more roles from the available options to assign to themselves or other team members.
  • Customise Role(s): This permission type grants users the ability to tailor existing roles to better suit the specific requirements or set permissions from scratch.
  • Create New Role: This permission type allows users to save new roles within the system, whilst providing access to a new team member.

To access predefined roles or create more roles, navigate to Settings>Access>Roles.

  • Set the permissions you want for this Team Member by selecting the roles they require access to from the list or customise their permissions from scratch.

When customising predefined role(s) the selected roles' permissions will be marked in grey and added permissions will be blue when selected.

  • Once you click on "Save", an email invitation with a link to the platform will be sent out to that email address.
  • Once the new team member clicks on the link inside the email and provide their name, surname and password, they will have access to the system.

Step 4. Team Member History

  • You can view the history of team members' actions here.

Managing Permissions & Roles

  • You have the flexibility to create and save custom roles, tailoring permissions to match the unique needs of your organisation.
  • When editing a specific role, any user associated with that role will automatically receive the updated permissions. However, it's important to note that once a role is linked to a team member, it cannot be deleted to avoid disrupting existing user permissions.

  1. Navigate to Settings>Access>Roles

Please note that the Administrator role is not editable or deletable. This role has full access to the system and at least one Team Member should have Administrative permissions.

  1. Create a Role:

    • Navigate to the "Roles" section in the system settings.
    • Click on the "Create New Role" option.
    • Define the role name
    • Mark the role as Active and specify the desired permissions and access levels.
    • Save the role to apply it to Team Members.
    • When a new role has similar permissions than a role that has already been set up, you can duplicate a role instead of creating a new role from scratch.

  1. Editing Roles and User Permissions:

    • Access the "Roles" section in the system settings.
    • Select the role you wish to edit by clicking on the Actions next to the role.

    • Modify the permissions and access levels as needed.
    • Save changes.

  1. Manage Individual User Permissions:

    • If you need to edit permissions for a specific user rather than a role, navigate to the "Teams" section.
    • Locate the user's account and edit individual details.
    • Edit the permissions for that user directly, adjusting as necessary to meet their specific requirements.
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