2024-05-31 Added Transactions (Comparison Report)

  1. Transactions Comparison Report:
    • Introduced the "Transactions Comparison Report" to compare transaction logs on a monthly basis.
    • This report provides insights into new transactions, existing ones, and dropped-off transactions, aiding businesses in financial analysis and decision-making processes.
    • The report may be used to compare up to 6 months of transactions.
    • Defined comparison status definitions for transactions: New, Existing, and Dropped Off.
Status Definition Explanation
New Transactions that are present in the current month's logs but were not found in the previous month's logs. These transactions represent growth of new accounts within the specified date range. They indicate new subscriptions, purchases since the last comparison month.
Existing Transactions that are present in both the current month's logs and the previous month's logs. These transactions denote ongoing or recurring transactions. They represent loyal customers.
Dropped Off Transactions that were present in the previous month's logs but are not found in the current month's logs These transactions have ceased or failed for various reasons, such as cancellation, dispute, or non-payment. They no longer appear in the current records and may require further action, such as reactivation or follow-up with the account holder.

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