2024-04-08 Message Automation Notification amendment

  1. Notification Behaviour Correction:
    • Corrected the notification behaviour when changing the status of a Disabled/Paused Message Automation to "Send Emails" under "Actions" by enabling the "Yes, Proceed" button under the "Send Emails" Action:

  1. Accurate Record Count Display:
    • Ensured that the notification accurately reflects the number of new records to send the message to when using the "Send Emails" action.
    • Implemented adjustments to ensure the notification behaviour is consistent whether changing the status from the message automation overview page from "Disabled"/"Paused" to "Send Emails" or within the message itself by clicking on "Save & Send".

Record Count Discrepancies Clarification:

When the audience total differs from the actual number of records sent. Reasons for such discrepancies include duplicate email addresses and recipients who have already received the email on the same day.

  1. Save & Send Functionality Enhancement:
    • Removed the message "This message has already been sent. Please create a duplicate to make any changes" from the save & send function for Message Automations to facilitate seamless editing of constantly running Message Automations.

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