Fields Explained




This field indicates the date and time when the record was initially created in the system.


This field indicates the date and time when the record was updated in the system by any means. This timestamp will occur due to various reasons, such as the addition of a Subscription related to the record or the correction of typo errors on the record.

Date First Activated

This field indicates the date when the record was Activated for the first time in the system. Once stamped, this date will not change again.

Date Reactivated

Specifies the date when an Inactive Account is Reactivated, becoming Active again after a period of Inactivity.

This occurs when a new Subscription is manually added or when a Subscription is added via Approvals or the when a record made a payment via an eMandate or logged a manual payment while the record was Inactive. It's noteworthy that previous Subscriptions will remain paused during Reactivation, but the record status will become Reactivated, and the Date Rejoined will be stamped.

Date First Joined

This date reflects the moment when the record obtained its first Active Subscription or initiated a payment via an eMandate or manual payment method, irrespective of the Account's status. Once established, this date remains unchanged throughout the record's lifecycle.

Date Rejoined

Indicates the date each time a subscription is added to an account lacking any active subscriptions or when a payment is made via an eMandate or logged as a manual payment, provided the account was inactive before. The Date Joined field must have already been stamped for this date to be updated.

Date Lead Conversion

Marks the date when a Lead or Contact is converted into an Account, typically indicating a successful conversion through a sales or marketing process.

Date Last Engagement

Reflects the most recent date of interaction with the record by email, WhatsApp, Messages or Contact Centre. To access the history of engagement activities, users can navigate to the record's Engage History section for further details.

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An Owner, is a Team Member who holds responsibility for a specific record within the system. This ownership grants them authority over the management related to that record.

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