2024-02-28 Query Builder Enrich Data Terminology Alignment

Query Builder Terminology Alignment:

  • Updated terminology in the Query Builder to align with the Product Name used during the creation of a Data Enrichment Provider.
    • People:

      • Changed "Verify Status" to "ID Verification Status" in the Query Builder.
      • Changed "Days (ago) ID Number Verified" to "Days (ago) ID Verification" in the Query Builder.
      • Changed "Date ID Number Verified" to "Date ID Verification" in the Query Builder.
    • Companies:

      • Changed "Verify Status" to "Tax Number Verification Status" in the Query Builder.
      • Changed "Days (ago) Tax Number Verified" to "Days (ago) Tax Number Verification" in the Query Builder.
      • Changed "Date Tax Number Verified" to "Date Tax Number Verification" in the Query Builder.
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