2024-02-27 Credit Checks added to Data Enrichment

  1. Credit Score Integration:

    • Added "Credit Score (Express)" as product to the data enrich provider VerifyId.
    • Users can now access Credit Score (Express) when selecting VerifyID as the provider.
    • Integrated API call for retrieving credit scores.
  2. Additional Fields for People:

    • Added new fields under the Finance section of People for storing credit scores and related information.
    • Introduced fields: credit_score_cpa, credit_score_nlr, credit_score_risk_cpa_lookups_id, credit_score_risk_nlr_lookups_id, and date_credit_score_updated.
  3. Credit Score Risk Lookup:

    • Implemented lookup values for credit score risk levels based on score ranges.
    • Users can now view credit score risk levels categorized as Very High Risk, High Risk, Average Risk, Low Risk, and Minimum Risk.
  4. Query Builder Enhancements:

    • Added new fields to the query builder: Credit Score (CPA), Credit Score (NLR), Date Credit Score Updated, and Days (Ago) Credit Score Updated.
    • Users can view these fields on the people view page.
  5. Logs and History:

    • Stored credit score responses in logs.
    • Ensured retention of old credit scores in logs for future reference and comparison.
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