2024-01-23 Enable Editing of Member Numbers

The "Role" field has been strategically placed at the top during both account creation and editing processes for individuals and companies. Additionally, a new field, "Account/Member Number," has been introduced exclusively for accounts, featuring a placeholder instructing users to leave it blank for an auto-generated number.

During account creation, robust validation has been implemented for the "Account/Member Number" field, ensuring conformity to the specified format under business settings. Users will now receive a descriptive error message if the entered format is incorrect.


The purpose of this update is to refine and optimize the account management module, with a particular focus on editing member numbers. The goal is to improve user experience, streamline processes, and uphold data integrity within the system.

User Enhancement:

  • Account Member Number Creation/Edition Process:
    • Role Field Placement: The "Role" field has been moved to the top of the page.
    • New Field Introduction: A new editable field, "Account/Member Number," is introduced, encouraging users to leave it blank for an auto-generated number.
  • Validation Improvements:
    • Account/Member Number Validation: Robust validation ensures the correct format for the "Account/Member Number" field during account creation. Users receive clear error messages for incorrect formats.
  • Account Member Number Editing Process:
    • Selective Validation: Validation during editing is selectively performed:
      • Validation occurs only if the "Account/Member Number" field has been modified.
      • Ensures that the edited number adheres to the correct format based on business settings.
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