2024-01-17 Update member number for queues

We amended the member number formatting by addressing the mandatory queue numbering at the end of a member number (e.g., "1003772268a"). To address this, to address this, the following amendments were made:

  • Updated member number generation to store the queue number in a table column instead of requiring it in the member number itself. It is now optional to include a queue number in the member number generation.
  • Removed the {q:a} requirement in the member number format within business settings. The change can be made at https://app.switchtransact.com/settings/business.
  • Renamed the field "Member/Client Number format" to: "Account/Member number format" for consistency.
  • Updated the account creation script for new accounts to exclude the {q:a} member number format.
  • Existing clients' member number formats remain unchanged. Only new clients will be affected by the update.



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