2024-01-16 Add checkbox for membership and rename date paid-up

In cases where products represent physical goods or services, the calculation of the paid-up date is not applicable.

To ensure that the date-paid up is correctly calculated the following changes have been implemented:

  1. New Field Addition:
    • Added a checkbox in the product create/update section labeled "Membership Product?" with a description: "When enabled, the paid-up date will be calculated when the product is paid for."
    • This field is disabled by default to maintain existing configurations.

  1. System-wide Activation:
    • We activated the "Membership Product?" checkbox for all products in the system.

  1. Paid-Up Calculation Update:
    • Modified the paid-up calculation to consider the new "Membership Product?" field in products. The calculation now takes into account whether a product is active and designated as a membership product.

  1. Field Renaming:
    • Renamed "Date Paid Up" to "Membership Paid-up date" on the People/Companies view page, Reports, and in the Query Builder. This change enhances clarity and aligns with the specific context of membership-related transactions.

Field in Query Builder

Field on Account Profile

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