2023-11-17 Restrict Editing Products with Flexible Prices or Quantities

Editing Products with Flexible Prices or Quantities:

When editing a Product, there are certain restrictions we brought into place to ensure data integrity and adherence to specific workflows. If a Product has flexible prices and/or quantities, changes to these attributes will be restricted if the Product has already been associated with a Subscription or is part of a Pending Approval record.

Conditions for Restrictions:

  • Flexible Prices:
    • When a Product is associated to a Pending Approval or linked to an Active Subscription, and the product has a flexible price.
  • Flexible Quantities:
    • When a Product is associated to a Pending Approval or linked to an Active Subscription and the Product has a flexible quantity.

Error Message:

If you attempt to edit a product that meets the above conditions, the system will block the Product Edit and display the following error message:

Error: Products with flexible pricing or quantities cannot be changed to fixed if linked to a Subscription or pending Approval record!

This error message serves as a notification to inform users of the restriction and the reason behind it. To proceed, consider adjusting the Subscription or Approval status, or create a new Product.

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