2023-11-07 New Field added to Transactions: Date Status Updated

We are excited to introduce a significant enhancement to our system that brings clarity and ease to tracking transaction updates, by adding a timestamp to updates made. In this release, we have made the following improvements:

  1. New Column added to Transactions: Date Status Updated:

    • We have added a new column named "Date Status Updated" under the Transactions section. This column displays a timestamp that records the last time the status of a transaction was changed.
    • This feature ensures that you have a clear history of when transaction statuses were modified
  2. Query Builder Integration:

    • We have integrated the "Date Status Updated" parameter into the Query Builder. You can now easily filter and query your data using "Date Status Updated" as well as "Days (ago) Status Updated."
  3. New Query Builder Parameters:

    • As part of this update, we have introduced two new query builder parameters:
      • "Date Status Updated" allows you to filter transactions based on the date their status was last updated.
      • "Days (ago) Status Updated" lets you filter transactions based on how many days ago their status was last updated.
  4. Hidden 'date updated' field in the Query Builder:

    • We have hidden the 'date updated' field to prevent any confusion when building Automations.
    • This ensures that the correct "Date Updated" field is used when setting up an Automation.
  5. Data Population:

    • To provide a seamless transition, we have populated all past transactions with data based on their last updated dates.

These enhancements are designed to improve your experience with our platform by making it easier to track and manage Transaction changes.

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