2023-11-07 Product Management: Deletion and Modification Restrictions

  1. Product Update Restrictions:

    • System will now block updates to a Product's Pricing Type and Recurring Interval fields if the Product has already been added to a Subscription.
    • Users will receive the following message when attempting to update such a Product: "This product is already linked to Subscriptions, you can't update the Product Interval."
  2. Product Deletion Restriction:

    • Product deletion is now blocked for Products in an Active or Disabled state if the product is linked to a Subscription.
    • Users will receive the following message when attempting to delete such a Product: "This Product is already linked to Subscriptions; you can't delete the Product."
  3. Disabled Product Behaviour:

    • When a Product is Disabled, Subscriptions associated with it will continue to function as normal, showing the Disabled Product as Active under the Subscriptions. However;
    • Only Active Products can be added to a Subscription, while Disabled Products are hidden from selection.

These changes have been implemented to ensure a smoother and more controlled product management experience within the system.

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