2023- 10-19 Added Import Methods

We've expanded your contact import capabilities to make it even easier to bring your contacts into our system. Previously, you could only import contacts from a CSV document. Now, we've introduced the following import options:

  1. Google Sheets: You can now seamlessly import your contacts directly from your Google Sheets, making it convenient to update your contact list with your Google-based contacts.
  2. Google Contacts: We've integrated with Google Contacts, allowing you to effortlessly import your Google Contacts into our system.
  3. Mailchimp: You can now import your contact lists directly from your Mailchimp account, saving you time and effort when synchronising your email marketing contacts.
  4. Outlook Contacts: We've introduced the ability to import contacts from your Outlook account.


  • Enhanced User Experience: We've made several user interface improvements to enhance the overall user experience when importing contacts. The import process is now more intuitive and user-friendly.

We believe these new import options will significantly improve contact management experience.


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