Approvals Report Explained

The Approvals Report is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of Approval Records, Account statistics, and Subscription and Transaction data for a specific date range.

  1. Create an Approvals Report

  • Navigate to Reports.

  • Set your date range.
  • Set your Report Category as "Stats & Summaries".
  • Set your Report Type as "Approvals".
  • Choose your preferred Agent.

  • Click on "Generate a Report"

  • You will see a pop-up notification that will state that the report will be sent to the users via email.

  1. Approvals Report Explained

Approval Records

  • Total Records Approved: This section provides the total number of records that have been submitted through the Approvals, broken down into the following:
    • New Accounts: Displaying the number of New Accounts out of the Total Records Approved.
    • Reactivated Accounts: Indicates the count of accounts that have been Reactivated out of the Total Records Approved.
    • Products added to Accounts: Shows how many of the Total Records Approved were Products that have been added to accounts.


  • Total Accounts: This section give the total number of accounts that came through Approvals split into the following:
    • Active Accounts: Out of the Total Accounts this is the total current active Accounts.
    • Disabled Accounts: Out of the Total Accounts this is the total Accounts with a Disabled Account Status.

Subscriptions (active)

  • Future Payments: Shows the number of Approval items with future dated Active Subscriptions.
  • Total Subscriptions: The Total Active Subscription are broken down into Payment Intervals:
    • Monthly Interval: Show the Active Subscriptions created through Approvals with a Monthly Payment Interval.
    • Yearly Interval: Show the Active Subscriptions created through Approvals with a Yearly Payment Interval.
  • Once-Off Interval: Show the Active Subscriptions created through Approvals with a Once-Off Payment Interval.


  • Sent to bank: This shows how many transactions were sent to the bank based off of the the Approval items submitted within the specified date range that is broken down to the following statuses:
    • Unpaid: Indicates the number of transactions that came back unpaid out of the transactions that were sent to the bank.
    • Paid: Shows the count of transactions that have been paid successfully.
    • Disputed: Payments that were disputed.

Additionally, we have made some enhancements to the report structure, by adding Record Logs as Sheets in your exported file:

  • Transactions: We have added a second sheet dedicated to transaction logs. This sheet will help you access detailed information about transactions, allowing you to match transaction data presented in the Approvals Report.
  • Workflow Records: The third sheet is dedicated to the Approval Records Logs. it provides a detailed record of all the activities with regards to Accounts and Subscriptions ensuring complete transparency.
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