Disabling and Deleting Tags

Disabling Tags

When you disable a tag in our system, it's important to understand the impact on your records and tagging capabilities. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Visibility on Existing Records:
  • Disabling a tag will not make it disappear from records that have already been tagged with it.
  • The tag will still be visible on all records that received the tag before it was disabled.

  1. Editing Existing Records:
  • You will have the ability to remove the disabled tag from existing records. However, you will not be able to retag these records or tag new records with the same disabled tag while it is in the disabled state.

Deleting a Tag

When you choose to delete a tag, it has a more profound impact on your system. Here's what happens:

  1. Tag Removal from All Records:
  • Deleting a tag will result in the complete removal of that tag from all records.

  1. Query Builder Consideration:
  • It's essential to note that you will not be able to select or query disabled tags using the query builder. The system will not display or allow you to work with tags that are in the disabled state.

By understanding these distinctions between disabling and deleting tags, you can better manage your records and ensure that your tagging system aligns with your organisational needs. Please use this information to make informed decisions about managing tags in your workflow.

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