2023-10-17 Enhanced Field Population when Creating an Invoice

  1. Enhanced Invoice Description Field:

When you create an Invoice, you were previously allowed to type out your own Product Description. However, this has been changed, and the Product Description is now a searchable drop-down field. This drop-down displays active Products, and the product ID is now saved along with the description.

  1. Dynamic Field Population Logic:

  • When selecting a product from the drop-down list under "Invoice Description," the following fields are now automatically populated based on how the product was initially captured:
    • Price (Excl Tax)
    • Tax
    • Unit
    • Qty
    • Total
  • If a price or quantity was set as fixed when the product was created, the user is restricted from changing the total in the populated field on the Invoice. However, if the product allows flexible pricing or quantity adjustments, the user has the freedom to modify these fields.



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