2023-10-17 Enforcing Mandatory Selection of Document Type for Subscription Creation and Editing


When you create a Subscription, you were previously allowed to select the Document Type as "None." However, this has been changed, and Document Type is now a compulsory field that must be filled in. This change was made to enable the auto generation of an Invoice.

  1. Making Document Type Mandatory:
  • We made "Document Type" a mandatory field when creating or editing Subscriptions.
  • "Document Type" has been made mandatory to improve automation, maintain consistency, and enhance billing accuracy.
  • Manual Payment Methods still force you to select a document type. You do not need to send the document, but it needs to be generated automatically (e.g. creating invoices automatically on a monthly basis).

  1. Enhancing user experience by adjusting the "Send out the finance document?" check's placement:

  • The "Send out the finance document?" check has been moved to provide more clarity in the Subscription creation/editing process.
  • Template selection is now hidden when 'send finance doc' is unchecked.
  • Validation will only force you to select at least one template IF the 'send finance doc' has been checked.
  • This change allows users to decide whether they want to automatically send out the Document Type or only automatically create it, giving them greater control over billing and communication processes. While this feature was available previously, relocating this check streamlines the process for improved visibility and usability
  • 'pay within days' and 'footer' inputs are removed.


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