Query Builder and Segments


The Query Builder is a versatile tool that allows you to create customised queries to retrieve and manipulate your data. To make the most of it, you need to understand how to add rules, create groups, and filter by module. This help file will explain each concept step by step.

Step 1. Create a Query

  • Navigate to Contacts-People.
  • Click on the Query Builder button.

  • Click on Add rule.

Please note that the Query Builder is set as default to filter on Accounts that are subscribed to Marketing Newsletters as per above image.

  • Select the drop-down to navigate through the different Filters.

Please note that you can add as many rules as you like to make your filter search more specific.

  • After you configured your filters, click on Search.

Step 2. Create a Segment

A Segment is a function to save your query as an item to use for later purposes, a lot of clients use this function to pull quick reports.

  • After you Applied your Query search, Click on Create Segment

  • Give your Segment a Name and Description

- Also note, to set who can see this segment, by selecting the "Visibility" to either "Everyone" or just "Only Me"

  • Notice the Query Segment has been created under People-Accounts/Lead

- The Segments will be a drop-down.

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