2023-09-20 Implement Bank Account Deactivation and Deletion Logic for Active Subscriptions

You should not be able to disable or delete a bank account connected to an active subscription.

Affected Functionality

  • The Product Subscription feature will continue to serve its existing purpose, allowing you to manage and your Subscriptions and Bank Accounts.

Simplified Terminology

  • We have implemented a standard alert modal to ensure that users cannot disable or delete a bank account that is linked to an active subscription. The following message will now appear when attempting these actions:
  • When Deleting a bank account linked to an active subscription:
    • "You cannot delete this bank account because it is currently connected to an active subscription."
  • When deactivating a bank account linked to an active subscription:
    • "You cannot deactivate this bank account because it is currently connected to an active subscription."

Minimal Disruption

  • We understand that change can sometimes be challenging. Rest assured, this transition will not disrupt or require any immediate action on your part. You will find that the functionality you are familiar with remains the same.

To proceed with the deletion, please follow one of the options below

  • Unlink this bank account from your active subscriptions.
  • Deactivate Subscription: If you no longer wish to maintain this subscription, you can deactivate it. Once the subscription is deactivated, you will be able to delete the associated bank account.

These changes aim to enhance user experience and prevent unintended actions when managing bank accounts linked to active subscriptions.

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