Send your first message

  • Before you can send a message via email, SMS or WhatsApp you need to connect to a 3rd party message provider. Click here to see how to Connect your message providers.

Send your first Email

Step 1. Create an email

  • Navigate to Get Started-Send your first messages and click on the message type (email) you wish to create.


  • Navigate to Engage-Messages-Email.

  • Click on Create.

Step 2. Provide your email details

Please note that all mandatory fields are marked with an *.

- Internal name: You can name your message anything you want. This name is for internal use only.

- Preferred Provider: If you set a default provider, this field will be auto populated with your default provider. All your registered providers will be listed here, is you choose to change it. Click here to see How to Set Up a Provider.

- Audience Type: Choose between People and Companies.

- Subject: You can name your message anything you want. This subject name will be seen by your audience.

Step 3. Build your email

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